About Me
Oh hello! I didn't see you there - but while I've got your attention, let me tell you a little about myself. I'm Caroline. I'm a senior at The George Washington University, majoring in political science and political communications. I'm originally from the South, loving my Chick-Fil-A and "ya'lls" but not sweet tea, but I love living up above the Mason-Dixon line.
I'm not really a hard-core blogger or techie, but for a class this semester we are required to blog. Which sort of comes in handy for me, because I like to write and I like to blog (if you're ever bored check out my blog from when I was abroad last fall at carolinequat.wordpress.com!)
Unlike a lot of my friends, I know that after graduation in May I'm staying in DC and finishing a Master's a GW. But that doesn't mean that I have life figured out. Actually, I'm very far from it. Throughout college, there are a ton of things that I've learned that I wish I "woulda" known before senior year. This blog is where I will put down those things, hoping that I help someone starting college and hoping that maybe someone out there in the interwebs can relate!
When it comes down to it, I'm just a twenty-something, going through life and enjoying it as much as possible.