Monday, November 21, 2011

My Life Would Suck Without You

So this blog is for my social media class. It only seems fitting that I then devote a blog to my favorite form of social media - Facebook.
 Now, I don't have an iPhone, but I do have the app on my Blackberry...

I was one of those lucky high schoolers who was invited to join Facebook when they were expanding to us non-college kids. I had a friend who was a techie, and he invited me to join. I created one, and it was cool and all because I was an original high school Facebook user, but I didn't really use it much till the last two years of high school.

Now, Facebook has become a daily activity. It is my homepage. I get upset when there are no new updates because I've been on it so much. It's not only a habit, it's a drug. I think that's why they call people who are registered on the site "users" - because its a drug that people cannot figure out how to stop. I've tried - cold turkey doesn't work. I can't find a good rehab program. There are no "Facebook patches" like nicotine patches.

I wish I woulda know before senior year that there are, however, Facebook blocking apps you can download on your computer.

Do you realize I how much on top of my classes I would have been if I had known about these sooner?! I could've been far more productive, far less obsessed with status updates and new albums. I could have saved the world by now if Facebook didn't exist, or even if I spent less time on it. It's a website that millions, MILLIONS, spend countless hours on, and I am one of the addicted.

These applications are websites, downloadable tools, and more that you can sent to prevent yourself from logging onto Facebook. You can set a time, for example 5 hours, where you are prohibited from using. I've had friends who have asked others to change their passwords for them, but they always hack into it and get on or just cave and beg for their password. However, with these sites, you cannot simply stop them. They work until the end of the set time. There is no way around them that I have heard of. It's amazing! It's a form of controlling the addiction and making sure that it stays manageable. Probably not the best solution for actual drug addicts, but for Facebook addicts, it definitely helps a lot.

*Note - there are a lot of different sites, but I'm only going to list my favorite because the others aren't worth your time. You'll just find yourself back on Facebook. So try this one -

Now, I haven't utilized them as much as I thought because I just found out about them and I've been pretty good at time managing this semester. But I have a feeling that finals and spring semester these helpful tools will be more than what I need to make sure that I succeed.

I'm pretty sure that Mark Zuckerberg doesn't approve of these things, but I sure do. Just wish I woulda known a little earlier...guess we'll never know what else I could have been capable of...



  1. Kelly!!! Not my favorite song of hers but definitely appropriate for the post. And yeah Facebook eats up so much of our time haha

  2. You always have the best song choices at the end of your blogs. So fitting!
