I Wish I Woulda Known
What A College Senior Wishes She Would've Known Before Senior Year
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Nothing Left to Lose
I wish I wouldan know before senior year that I need to stop blaming everyone else and take responsibility for my own life.
This probably seems harsh - because it kind of is. But it is 100% true.
I am not going to lie at all - I have had the hardest and least fun semester of my life. Every class that I took was difficult and required more work than ever before. I had readings and even when I had time to read there were so many that I was behind in every class. Although I finished every assignment, I might have finished them an hour before they were due. I didn't put as much effort into things because there was so much and no time unless I wanted to pull an all-nighter every night.
I have been working over 20 hours a week, taking away time from everything else. I love my internship and am staying there for the spring, but sometimes when I've had a lot going on I've just wanted to not go in and work on the those things. But this internship is something I enjoy doing and its something I could see myself doing for a career. So I'd push through that and go.
My extracurriculars haven't been easy. There is always another problem, always something that needs to be solved. I am a dictionary on procedure and rules, so I'm always asked to help. Which I do because I know that I can help. I've been through a lot in life and through my involvement in so many different things, that when a situation arises I am able to think on my feet and help put a rest to that situation. However, these things have taken away from the joy of the extracurriculars I am in and have taken away time from other aspects of my life like school and social things. But since I love being involved in things not work or academics, I do it all and help all I can. There is little thanks, but I continue to push on.
It's been a rough semester socially, with having no time to do social things because of the others. The few times I have gone out, I get tired so early and leave so I can sleep since I rarely do that as well. I feel like I've missed out on a lot and never thought first semester senior year would be this hard.
So readers, that is my semester - but do you wanna know why currently I am smiling and I am one of the happiest people you will meet today? No, it's not because in my 2 assignment master's class I got a B+. No, it's not because I am done with finals. No, it's not because I am going home for a month on Saturday.
It's because I've realized all of my complaints and everything that I have stressed over wouldn't be as bad if I stopped complaining and took responsibility for everything in my life. Not every situation that happens and that has caused me pain was under my control - in reality more of them than not were not even close to under my control - but it's how I reacted to them that I had control over. And I realized that my reactions this semester have not always been the right way that I know how to react.
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. My realization that my life would be better if I reacted better to it means that I can improve that and move on. Life isn't easy and it is not supposed to be. It's supposed to be hard and you're supposed to make mistakes and cry and laugh and learn from everything that happens to you. As I look around at people right now, I am amazed at their reactions and how if they were to change them and be responsible for that how much better they would feel right now. Instead of complaining and bitching and making others around you uncomfortable and this and that and more, take a few minutes and look at what you are doing. Is it really helping you? Or is it making everything worse? For me, when I did that, I realized that it was making it much worse than it was better.
For example - I last night was dealing with an issue that arose in one of my extracurriculars and didn't have as much time to review for my #smpasocial media final that was this morning. I was angry and irritable about this and wanted everyone to leave me alone. But I took a few minutes and thought to myself, "Self, how can I make myself feel better about this situation? How can I improve what is going on within myself?" I came to the conclusion that I needed to go to sleep to feel better and not think about everything, and I woke up a little earlier to review.
Another example - my back always hurts. Always. It just does. Earlier in the semester it annoyed me and hurt so much that I would be in a bad mood all day. However, I discovered that instead of complaining about it and not do anything, that I should stand in the shower an extra few minutes, turn the heat up a little and put my back against the water, and to loosen up my muscles a little. It didn't help that much, but at the end of the day me making a small change in my attitude based on a behavioral change made all the difference.
It's up to you how you react to the stress of finals, your relationships, if your cable is out, etc. It's up to you how you make your life improve. Anyone who is reading this might be college age, so here is advice for you. Deal with your life. By yourself. No one else can make decisions for you, they can only give you advice and guide you. Don't ask your parents to do things for you - you're too old for that. Don't think that things are going to change without making a change yourself. Figure out what those changes need to be and run with them. Improve your attitude. Improve your reactions. Improve your life.
I have one last final suggestion - remember why you do things. Remember why you go to college. Remember why you have that friend who continues to annoy you recently. Remember why you joined that organization. When life gets you down, use those things that have in the past made you happy to make you happy again. Make sure you thank them later, but also use them now to improve your life.
It begins with you and also ends with you. If you are super stressed out and don't know what to do - try what I've suggested. You have nothing left to lose, right?
I apologize again if this post sounded harsh, but literally everyone on GW's campus currently looks super duper stressed out!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
With A Little Help From My Friends
I'll begin with a short video that we've all probably seen at some point.
The self-improvement movement is a highly lucrative, successful, and broad movement. I bet you didn't know that the "self-improvement" market makes over $9.6 billion a year in 2005, meaning that it is probably well above that by now (Thomas). It spans years and years of development, from diets and exercise regiments to videos training you on job interviews to people getting hired to help people "self" improve. There's even been books written about how the self-improvement movement is a "sham" (the link is to the book "Sham" by Steve Salerno about how the movement is a sham - click my links throughout the post and you'll see they're linked to fun things mostly!). However, the self-improvement movement took a turn when the internet was invented and when Web 2.0 was rolled out.
Web 2.0 is, for those of you who don’t know, the format that the internet is today. It introduced Flash, making videos and animation possible online. It made it possible for the internet to be used as a form of communication, linking people to each other instead of just having information on it. There is user generated content, anyone can contribute, and social media is a main example of the Web 2.0 ideas (Kaplan and Haenlein).
But what Web 2.0 did to the self-improvement movement was expand it even further. To me, self-improvement isn't just health based. It's not just getting in shape, getting mentally stable and emotionally happy. Because of all the information we have access to, and because of the sharing of information through social media sites, self-improvement has become anything that you are doing to improve your life - from the old thinking of what it is to new thinking such as choosing a new hairdryer because of the customer ratings and finding your next vacation spot through a travel blog. However, it is important to note though, that the overall goal of all of these little things, like helping yourself choose a new blow dryer, do have the overall goal of improving oneself in the physical, emotional, mental, and economical way the self-improvement movement focuses on as the APA believes. So what social media has done is created smaller, simpler steps to get to the larger picture, instead of tackling the issues mostly head on like many years ago through direct contact.
I wanted to begin with a summary of how I've used social media as a self improvement tool, as something to help make my life better, which will put into perspective some of my thoughts on the topic as a whole. In addition, my usage will show the vastness of what self-improvement through social media can be. Disclaimer: Everything I say about my own life is sadly true. All of it.
I guess I started using the internet for “self-help” or "self-improvement" purposes whenever I first got my own email address, which was around 4th grade. I’m not proud of my Backstreet145@aol.com email address, but it doesn’t exist anymore so judge all you want and don't email me there because I won't get it. Anyway, I remember searching for everything from “why is my eye twitching?” to “how do I get a boy to like me?” to tons or other things. Never before had finding information been this easy, especially for a 4th grader/10 year old.
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The Backstreet Boys were obviously the inspiration for my first email address... |
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This might be an overshare of a status, but I'm sure this girl was looking for help when she posted this. Or someone hacked her account but that is another topic... |
It's kind of amazing that a technology is now the first step, as it seems, towards getting help. As Clay Shirky talks about in his book Here Comes Everybody is that its how technology is used that changes things - not just technology itself. Especially because there is such little, to no, monetary cost, opening it up to so many more individuals (Rossi). Regardless of what it's being used for in terms of the help, social media is paving the way for people to get help in ways that would never be possible thirty, twenty, and even ten years ago. And people taking this first step hopefully means that the second step, getting the help that was the only option before social media and the internet, is that much easier.
But it's really not about all the ways that social media can be used for someone to help themselves in so many aspects of lives, because the list could be never ending of ways to improve oneself. It's about what this new way of finding help has done to past models and what it means.
Think about what I said about social media replacing traditional therapy. Obviously neither is going to disappear completely, but moreso, these two are getting combined. The old form therapy and new form social media can be apart of the same thing - social media and the interactions on there serve as the therapy. This is an aspect of convergence culture, what Jenkins talks about in his book Convergence Culture. It's not exactly "pure" convergence culture, because its not old and new media combining, but its an old way mixing with a new way. People are adapting social media to meet the needs they have, and one of those needs is to help themselves. Instead of paying thousands of dollars to sit in a room and have some M.D. analyze everything you say, individuals are now turning to social media, whether it be blogging taking the place of the therapist or constant tweets being the outlet to get out frustrations like a therapist might listen to. Think of RAINN - Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (Wright). Once upon a time it was an organization that not only helped educate people on rape, abuse, and incest, but it also had a hotline that people could call into to talk about their issues, all completely anonymous (check out this link for more history on the organization). However, everyone knows that phones can always be traced and there is caller ID. Privacy, something else I'll talk about, wasn't completely protected and the hotline was deterring people who really wanted and needed help but didn't want to be identified. So RAINN adapted to the times - and created an online help instant messaging system and expanded their website vastly. Now, people can go online to learn more about these topics, as well as chat with a RAINN employee trained to handle tough issues. It's still not 100% anonymous, but it's an improvement, and there has been a lot of positive feedback. RAINN changed for the times and succeeded in their goals. This website was written by someone who has seen Twitter as a major reason why they've had steady relationships in recent times. She says how through Twitter she's met some of her "biggest supporters" and even gives advice on how to form meaningful relationships through Twitter.
In addition, there is interaction on multiple levels (Jenkins). As much as a educated and licensed doctor can go online and post on websites to help people who want to hear their opinions (Anderson and Speed), regular people who don't have the same credentials can do the same thing. On message boards, for example, anyone can respond to something posted, like a tip on how to feel better after someone's death, and those looking for information can get tips from someone who might have gone through something similar instead of having to potentially listen to a doctor talk at them about what they should do and not sympathizing with them. The multiple levels make the degrees of "help" better for whatever and whoever is searching; the searcher gains some satisfaction from the fact that just they found other people on the same level of discussion as them (Hsiu-Chia and Feng-Yang). Someone might be looking for an experts advice, or they might be looking for a blog with the best cooking tips from a grandma in Kansas. Or they might be looking for people with the same question/condition/thoughts as them (Rossi). What these levels do is make the interaction not only coming from different types of people, but making the discussions different as well. The topic can change discussion, obviously, as well, but the same topic can have multiple levels of interaction. Whatever someone is searching for, they will be able to find an answer at the place they want.
Another part of self-help and social media is collective intelligence (Jenkins). One reason why I think social media has exploded as a medium for self-help is because so many people can contribute. You aren't all just listening to the same self-help author in the same 4 books. Back to my childhood and when I used the website beinggirl.com to answer my dire pre-teen questions. On there, so many people were posting that there were so many different opinions to choose my advice from that I'd take everyone's advice on whatever I needed. I also could contribute to the discussions, even if I wasn't looking for help at that time, making me feel like I had a voice in that topic. They, those posting, knew things and added to the conversation. I thought I knew the answer to something and added a little bit more. Together, everyone knows a little bit more. The information pool increases and people can choose to accept it all, pieces, or none. (Lakhani & von Hippel quoted in Nov, O., Naaman, M., & Chen, Y). Social media gets combined with old self-help styles and in turn, so many different ways to outreach to people who are looking for help in whatever way are created. The convergence of old and new is a positive.
These self-help reasons can sometimes be "spreadable." What is spreadable (another idea from our friend Jenkins in this article), you might ask? Spreadable means that it moves across the internet, either becoming what we like to call a "sensation" (cue Justin Bieber), or perhaps you've heard of something going "viral" (cue video of Joe Biden saying "this is a big fucking deal"). Not all uses of social media for help can be spreadable, called "sticky", such as an article published on WebMD about how to heal sunburn (its more permanent) or something that attracts a lot of attention for a long time. But a lot of it can be spreadable. Blogs with lots of fans that comment and tweet about it is spreadable. Lots of social networks interworking for the same self-help purpose is spreadable - for example a dating advice message board with links to someone's dating blog with a link to the author's Twitter. With certain aspects being spreadable, people are able to be more in touch and intuned with the resources they are seeking out. In addition, they connect with others and form more intimate relationships, which can be so beneficial when look to self improve (Hsiu-Chia and Feng-Yang). But being sticky isn't a bad thing either, especially if the resource is helping someone. Anderson and Speed talk about increased usage of medical websites, which are "sticky," and how some people do rely on those sites for their medical needs. An article published long ago that is still findable on The New York Times on weight loss tips could be just as helpful as a Twitter feed with tips. It all depends on the person and what they are looking for.
What I wanted to save kind of towards the end was privacy. As I mentioned earlier, one reason I went to the internet when I was younger was because that it was more private than asking my parents, or even my friends. Today, sometimes that is still the case. Especially if I don't know what exactly I am looking for yet, because I am nervous to ask a question that I have no idea what the answe
r may be. I might after doing some online research go to my friends or parents or a doctor if its medical, but online is my first resource. Through a message board, a chat room, a blog, you can be whoever you want. You can choose a screen name or none at all to ask or answer a question. For so many people this is comforting, because no one knows what they are looking for. Even though it might not be an embarrassing thing, being able to not be antonymous when trying to better oneself might be the thing one needs to become better. Its very much relate-able to the whole "Second Life" craze and why so many people wanted to be someone else on it. However, sometimes what someone is looking for for help might not be possible to be private. The reassurance and confidence boosts that people look for on Facebook posts, for example, are very hard to keep private. Yes, privacy settings can be set so only friends see your wall and profile, but those are still people seeing what you are posting. Dan Tynan What Facebook privacy settings are really to be concerned with? from my social media syllabus) even talks about what sites like Facebook and Google+ aren't telling you about their privacy. But, as said before, whoever is posting a "I have a final today wish me luck!" status is looking for people to respond - not to be anonymous - so these warnings don't really do anything for those wanting all to see.If you think about it also, there has been a formation of social networks around certain topics, which is what Howard Reingold talks about in his book The Virtual Community. People looking for the same things will find each other. They form chat rooms and blogrolls and websites and groups on other social networks. These groups, who are the posters, authors, and creators of the site that in turn helps someone, support each other in whatever way the topic subsides to. For example, bakers will read each other's blogs and guest blogs on anothers. A friend from high school started a fashion blog, gardenofedendesigns.blogspot.com, and she has opened up her blog to sponsorships and even opened a store on etsy.com of her designs. Indeed, because of the success of her blog, she's launching a new line in February - all because the fashion community supported one of their own. But in addition to the producers supporting each other, the consumers of the same materials come together as well. The same people will go to the same social media sites and areas within the sites. People who need reassurance on Facebook, for example, will be friends with a lot of other people who do the same thing they do. Groups of people who need the same support, perhaps a group of people who need help losing weight or even Facebook addicts, will find each other via social media. This website was written by someone who has seen Twitter as a major reason why they've had steady relationships in recent times. She gives advice on how to form meaningful relationships through Twitter, and she says how through Twitter she's met some of her "biggest supporters". And sometimes, that support can make all the difference (Rossi) (Anderson and Speed).
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Wind Beneath My Wings
In light of that, a few days late is my list of things that I'm thankful for. But in pure IWIWK (I Wish I Woulda Known) fashion, it will be in things I wish I was thankful for before this year.
2. My University - This is different from my education because college isn't just about the learning. It's about the experiences as well. I admit - I complain about GW a lot. The financial aid office is in a deadzone for cell service so when you have to go there and have to ask your parents a question it's a huge process. My heater still hasn't gotten fixed in my bathroom. The security alert system is too slow. And plenty of other complaints. But all in all, GW is the best school for me and I am so happy that I ended up here. I wasn't too happy at first, but let me say GO COLONIALS RAISE HIGH! The students are interesting and sometimes we get a bad rap, but I am one of them and I love being apart of the GWU/Foggy Bottom community (and metro stop). GW lets us take advantage of everything it and the city has to offer, and I am so much better off for the future being here than at another school. And you state school kids can boast all you want about all the raging parties you had and how you're a party school and how you have a great business school and blah blah blah but please, if you really want to debate a GW kid about who's school is better, go ahead. We will win because we are better. And by the way - we don't need to use college sports as an excuse to party. We do it anyway.
3. My Computer - Without going into too much detail, my computer has never failed me, unlike the cell phones I've had, even my car. God Bless you Steve Jobs.
4. Reusable Bags - If you don't know, Washington DC has a $.05 tax on every plastic bag bought. As someone going into the real world soon enough and won't really have that extra 5 cents to spend on a few bags, thanks to all the events/companies that have handed out reusable bags in the past year or so, saving me money in the future.
And 5. Easy Mac, Ramen Noodles, and Campusfood.com - You three have kept me fed over the past 3.5 years and will continue to do so until I have an acceptable income. It's about time that I thanked you for all that you do. Seriously, I'd be dead without you.
These 5 things truly have made my time in college amazing, and with a semester left I'm glad that I could finally publicly thank them for all they do. They truly are the wind beneath my wings/arms.
"Wind Beneath My Wings" is originally written by Jeff Silbar and Larry Henley and performed by Gary Morris.
Monday, November 21, 2011
My Life Would Suck Without You
I was one of those lucky high schoolers who was invited to join Facebook when they were expanding to us non-college kids. I had a friend who was a techie, and he invited me to join. I created one, and it was cool and all because I was an original high school Facebook user, but I didn't really use it much till the last two years of high school.
Now, Facebook has become a daily activity. It is my homepage. I get upset when there are no new updates because I've been on it so much. It's not only a habit, it's a drug. I think that's why they call people who are registered on the site "users" - because its a drug that people cannot figure out how to stop. I've tried - cold turkey doesn't work. I can't find a good rehab program. There are no "Facebook patches" like nicotine patches.
I wish I woulda know before senior year that there are, however, Facebook blocking apps you can download on your computer.
Do you realize I how much on top of my classes I would have been if I had known about these sooner?! I could've been far more productive, far less obsessed with status updates and new albums. I could have saved the world by now if Facebook didn't exist, or even if I spent less time on it. It's a website that millions, MILLIONS, spend countless hours on, and I am one of the addicted.
These applications are websites, downloadable tools, and more that you can sent to prevent yourself from logging onto Facebook. You can set a time, for example 5 hours, where you are prohibited from using. I've had friends who have asked others to change their passwords for them, but they always hack into it and get on or just cave and beg for their password. However, with these sites, you cannot simply stop them. They work until the end of the set time. There is no way around them that I have heard of. It's amazing! It's a form of controlling the addiction and making sure that it stays manageable. Probably not the best solution for actual drug addicts, but for Facebook addicts, it definitely helps a lot.
*Note - there are a lot of different sites, but I'm only going to list my favorite because the others aren't worth your time. You'll just find yourself back on Facebook. So try this one - www.facebooklimiter.com/
Now, I haven't utilized them as much as I thought because I just found out about them and I've been pretty good at time managing this semester. But I have a feeling that finals and spring semester these helpful tools will be more than what I need to make sure that I succeed.
I'm pretty sure that Mark Zuckerberg doesn't approve of these things, but I sure do. Just wish I woulda known a little earlier...guess we'll never know what else I could have been capable of...
Sunday, November 13, 2011
But this post isn't about that - it's about something the South forced me to do. No, it's not capitalize the "s" in South to make it a proper noun, although that is why it's capitalized because people from the South do think the South is the best place ever. It's about something everyone in the country relates with the South - Greek Life.
If you had known me back before college, I didn't exactly seem like the sorority "type." I just wasn't someone who you would imagine to become Ms. Ra-Ra Sorority in college. But because I grew up around talks of mixers and parties and big Greek-lettered houses and rush and pins and cheers and frat tats and more, I decided to give it a try come college. Hell, I already knew so much about that it! It seemed like something to do, some place to help me adjust to college, and at the very least, some group of people that I could do the typical "college" things. It just seemed like something I would be a part of, nothing special.
I wish I woulda known before senior year how much I'd actually grow to love my sorority, my sisters, and who I've become because I was a part of DC Alpha Pi Beta Phi, because then I could've taken more advantage of my time in the chapter.
It's cliche and sounds stupid when I try to explain it, but this sorority literally means so much to me. The big Southern schools you're probably thinking of are the complete opposite of GW Greek Life. Not to diss my friends at those types of schools, but I'm not quite sure that the 250+ member chapter do even close to what GW Greek Life does - GW actually does most things for charity, and partying is not what Greek Life is known for. We're not the Greek Life seen in the movies, and that's what I like about it.
And my sorority, in my opinion, is the best, especially for me. Not to drone on forever and ever, so I'll briefly explain. My chapter and sisters has given me the courage to do anything and everything. I have no fear, knowing that I have a support system like them. They are always there for me, and I know every single person in my chapter, including the 45 that were initiated yesterday. I love each one because as unique as we are, we come together because of what this organization has given to us. The even more cliche thing is that we do all share the same values.
I've attended formals and date parties as much or less as I've attended philanthropy events and speakers. I've traveled with my sisters, even meeting up with them while abroad. I've laughed and cried at my best and worst times, and none of them have judged me for either. I've served as an executive board member (twice...) and as a regular chapter member. I've lived in our housing and lived away from it. I've done so much and changed for the better and I cannot really describe how its affected my college career.
Honestly, I could go on and on, but its not the same unless you're 1.) in Greek life or 2.) even really know what I'm talking about which is hard in general for anyone not a DC Alpha Pi Phi. All I can say is that I'm proud of the chapter I joined and cannot wait to see what they accomplish in the future. I'll be passing on my position to the next person sooner rather than later, and it's bittersweet to know that come May my status on our electronic system will be moved to "Alumna."
But at the end of the day, we're "friends and leaders for life." I have the courage to face life after graduation because of what Pi Phi has given me, and I have absolutely no fear or doubt that it, and more importantly my sisters, will be there for me when I do and don't need them later.
Thanks for the memories. I'm so glad I did.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Chicken Fried
While I was home, I had to work on a paper and do other homework, and of course had to do sorority stuff because my job is all paperwork for that. It was frustrating that I had to be doing work on what was supposed to be my weekend off. Yes, I procrastinated everything more than I should've, but the work just keeps on coming.
However, at home I was more focused, less tempted to be distracted, and more productive than I've been all semester at school.
I wish I woulda known earlier how home isn't as overrated as they say.
Yes, it can be overrated. Sometimes when I am home for weeks at a time I begin to get bored. My friends from home all migrate back and forth between their state schools, leaving me all alone many times while I am home. They always try to convince me to come visit them, and although sometimes I do because I get that bored, I always wish I was back at GW because GW is better in every single way. But I visit them (although they haven't visited me in the time we've been at college - I hope ALL OF YOU from RHS are reading this and feel guilty and plan trips to come visit me because I've come to see you!) because I'm bored and my couch gets less comfortable the more I sit and the TV shows don't seem to change as the time goes on.
It's overrated. It's boring. It's the whole "I'm in college why should I be at home where there are rules?" attitude. Now, once I started college I didn't really have "rules" like back in high school, but it was still - "I don't usually go out till 11pm butI'm home and in bed already? I usually go to the liquor store at 20th and I and don't even need an ID to buy alcohol but here I can't even have a beer? I usually walk down the hall and chat with my friends about whatever crap college students talk about but now I'm home and my mom won't stop asking me about what I want to do tomorrow and in 5 minutes and for New Years..."
However, that last weekend at home made me really appreciate being there. As much as home is overrated when you've been living the cOlLeGe LiFe for a while, home is a place to relax and to have that break from that lifestyle. It's fun, don't get me wrong, but I realized how much I really do need a break from it every now and then. And I wish I woulda realized that sooner.
I literally got so much done while I was home it was ridiculous. Yes, I still had to finish some things when I got back to DC, but it was sooooo much less than I thought it was going to be. I could wake up at home and do two hours of work that would take me two weeks to do at school.
Also, I was able to eat my meals at normal times! Glorious! I got to have breakfast, lunch, AND dinner! And it was all good not the crap I usually eat. My mom is on some strange diet where she weighs her food and I was worried that I'd be eating pine nuts all weekend, but MJ didn't let me down - and she looks great (YAY MOM!). I had steak and chicken and got to eat at my favorite Chick-Fil-A.
And I got to sleep in - CRAZY I KNOW DON'T FREAK OUT. It was awesome.
I felt rejuvinated after that weekend. Now I don't feel like that because I have been back into my crazy lifestyle that I currently lead, but even just thinking about that weekend at home makes me super happy for a tiny bit. I got to just relax and not have to deal with anyone or anything for just a few days, and those few days were so needed.
I can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving in a few weeks - and although I will be home for a week and I will get bored and think about how overrated being at home is, I know that eventually I will realize how awesome it is and how much I love it.
"And my house it's not much to talk about, but it's filled with love that's grown in southern ground." And sometimes I just need that "little bit of chicken fried."
But that still doesn't mean I'm ever moving back home - ever.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Meet Me Halfway
Well, I knew that. I thought I knew everything about what I needed to graduate. Freshman year I started an excel spreadsheet of the classes I needed, putting in bold each class upon completion. When I added a double major another tab went on the spreadsheet. When I got into my 5-year BA/MA program, another tab created.
Then I decided that I wanted to take an additional master's class this spring. And this required a petition to take that class.
I wish I woulda known to talk to your adviser/get a graduation check at the beginning of senior year.
If I had not requested this extra class, if I had not been super confused about my master's program, I would not have known that my spreadsheet was somehow off and that I needed a different 3 classes than I thought to graduate. I've been having heart palpitations for a few hours now after finding out this news.
Registration for classes for me is Monday, and its Wednesday. I found out fives days before registering that I needed not what I thought - completely unacceptable. I wish I woulda known to check this against the school records earlier so I would've known this earlier and planned better for this year in general, not just class wise.
GW doesn't require a graduation check before your final semester, and I think that this is stupid. Plain and freaking stupid. There are probably tons of students, like myself, who have kept track of their classes and thought they had everything. I even matched up all my classes against a "balance sheet" they gave us at the end of first semester junior year. So I thought I was right - I was so sure I was right.
But I was wrong, but I never would've known because you don't have to go in and meet with your adviser. Most people do, and I always email with questions, but it was my wanting to get ahead in my master's program that led to me learning what I really need to get my undergraduate degree. I had to go the extra mile - GW doesn't even meet me halfway.
In the end, I'm going to graduate because I still only need 3 classes, just different ones than I thought. My heart attack is slowly subsiding and going back to normal. Which is good.